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Windows Policy Administrative Template | 1997-09-15 | 8.2 KB | 286 lines
; shell.adm ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS USER ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!Desktop KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!DesktopSub PART !!NoActiveDesktop CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoActiveDesktop END PART PART !!NoActiveDesktopChanges CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoActiveDesktopChanges END PART PART !!NoInternetIcon CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoInternetIcon END PART PART !!NoNetHood CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoNetHood END PART PART !!NoDesktop CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDesktop END PART END POLICY POLICY "" VALUENAME "" VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 VALUEON NUMERIC 0 PART !!sz_ATC_NoComponents CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoComponents" END PART PART !!sz_ATC_DisableAdd CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoAddingComponents" END PART PART !!sz_ATC_DisableDel CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoDeletingComponents" END PART PART !!sz_ATC_DisableEdit CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoEditingComponents" END PART PART !!sz_ATC_DisableClose CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoClosingComponents" END PART END POLICY POLICY "" VALUENAME "" VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 VALUEON NUMERIC 0 PART !!sz_DWP_NoHTMLPaper CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoHTMLWallPaper" END PART PART !!sz_DWP_DisableChanges CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoChangingWallPaper" END PART END POLICY POLICY "" VALUENAME "" VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 VALUEON NUMERIC 0 PART !!sz_DB_DragDropClose CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoCloseDragDropBands" END PART PART !!sz_DB_Moving CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoMovingBands" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!StartMenu KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!StartMenu PART !!NoFavoritiesMenu CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFavoritiesMenu END PART PART !!NoFind CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFind END PART PART !!NoRun CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoRun END PART PART !!NoRecentDocsMenu CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoRecentDocsMenu END PART PART !!NoRecentDocsHistory CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoRecentDocsHistory END PART PART !!ClearRecentDocsOnExit CHECKBOX VALUENAME ClearRecentDocsOnExit END PART PART !!NoLogoff CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoLogoff END PART PART !!NoClose CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoClose END PART PART !!NoSetFolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoSetFolders END PART PART !!NoSetTaskbar CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoSetTaskbar END PART PART !!NoTrayContextMenu CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoTrayContextMenu END PART PART !!NoStartMenuSubFolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoStartMenuSubFolders END PART PART !!WindowsNTOnly TEXT END PART PART !!NoCommonGroups CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoCommonGroups END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Shell KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!Shell PART !!ClassicShell CHECKBOX VALUENAME ClassicShell END PART PART !!NoFileMenu CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFileMenu END PART PART !!NoCustomizeWebView CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoCustomizeWebView END PART PART !!NoViewContextMenu CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoViewContextMenu END PART PART !!EnforceShellExtensionSecurity CHECKBOX VALUENAME EnforceShellExtensionSecurity END PART PART !!LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo CHECKBOX VALUENAME LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo END PART PART !!NoDrives CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDrives VALUEON NUMERIC 67108863 ; low 26 bits on (1 bit per drive) END PART PART !!NoNetConnectDisconnect CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoNetConnectDisconnect END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Printers KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!Printers PART !!NoPrinterTabs CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoPrinterTabs END PART PART !!NoDeletePrinter CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDeletePrinter END PART PART !!NoAddPrinter CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoAddPrinter END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!System KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!System PART !!RestrictApps LISTBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\RestrictRun END PART PART !!Windows95Only TEXT END PART PART !!NoRealMode CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp VALUENAME NoRealMode END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY [strings] Explorer="Explorer" Desktop="Desktop" DesktopSub="Desktop Restrictions" StartMenu="Start Menu" Shell="Shell" Printers="Printers" System="System" Windows95Only="-------- Windows 95 Only --------" WindowsNTOnly="-------- Windows NT Only --------" NoActiveDesktop="Disable Active Desktop" NoActiveDesktopChanges="Do not allow changes to Active Desktop" NoInternetIcon="Hide The Internet icon" NoNetHood="Hide Network Neighborhood icon" NoDesktop="Hide all items on Desktop" NoFavoritiesMenu="Remove Favorites menu from Start Menu" NoFind="Remove Find menu from Start Menu" NoRun="Remove Run menu from Start Menu" NoRecentDocsMenu="Remove Documents menu from Start Menu" NoRecentDocsHistory="Do not keep history of recently opened documents" ClearRecentDocsOnExit="Clear history of recent opened documents" NoLogoff="Disable Logoff" NoClose="Disable Shut Down command" NoSetFolders="Disable changes to Printers and Control Panel Settings" NoSetTaskbar="Disable changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings" NoTrayContextMenu="Disable context menu for Taskbar" NoStartMenuSubFolders="Hide custom Programs folders" NoCommonGroups="Hide common program groups in Start Menu" ClassicShell="Enable Classic Shell" NoFileMenu="Disable File menu in Shell folders" NoCustomizeWebView="Do not allow customization of folders in Web view" NoViewContextMenu="Disable context menu in Shell folders" EnforceShellExtensionSecurity="Only allow approved Shell extensions" LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo="Do not track Shell shortcuts during roaming" NoDrives="Hide Floppy Drives in My Computer" NoNetConnectDisconnect="Disable net connections/disconnections" NoPrinterTabs="Hide General and Details tabs in Printer Properties" NoDeletePrinter="Disable Deletion of Printers" NoAddPrinter="Disable Addition of Printers" RestrictApps="Run only specified Windows applications" RestrictAppsList="List of allowed Windows application:" RestrictApps_Tip1=" " RestrictApps_Tip2="To create a list of allowed applications, click Show," RestrictApps_Tip3="then Add, and enter the application executable name" RestrictApps_Tip4="(e.g., Winword.exe, Poledit.exe, Notepad.exe)." NoRealMode="Do not allow computer to restart in MS-DOS mode" sz_Desktop_Title="Desktop Settings" ;;;;;; Active Desktop Items sz_ActiveDesktop_Title="Active Desktop" sz_ATC_NoComponents="Disable ALL desktop items" sz_ATC_DisableAdd="Disable adding ANY desktop items" sz_ATC_DisableDel="Disable deleting ANY desktop items" sz_ATC_DisableEdit="Disable editing ANY desktop items" sz_ATC_DisableClose="Disable closing ANY desktop items" ;;;;;; Desktop Wall Paper sz_WallPaper_Title="Desktop WallPaper Settings" sz_DWP_NoHTMLPaper="No HTML wallpaper" sz_DWP_DisableChanges="Disable changing wallpaper" ;;;;;; Desktop Bands sz_DeskBands_Title="Desktop Toolbars Settings" sz_DB_DragDropClose="Disable dragging, dropping and closing ALL toolbars" sz_DB_Moving="Disable resizing ALL toolbars" [IEAK] Title=Web Desktop DescriptionTitle=Web Desktop Restrictions Lock=1 Roles=001 [IEAK Description] Using the restrictions in this file, you can prevent users from interacting with the shell operating system in various ways. These restrictions will be applied universally on every machine that installs this package.